Provided by AIA Amarillo:
ARE 5 Flash Cards
ARE 5 Practice Exam
AIA 5 Review Materials, Revised Addition
ARE 5 Practice Problems
Available by AIA Members:
Architectural Acoustics, M. David Egan
The American Institute of Architects Official Guide to the 2007 AIA Contract Documents, AIA
Building Codes Illustrated, 4th Edition; A Guide to Understanding 2012 International Building Code, Francis D.K. Ching and Steven R. Winkel, FAIA, PE
Heating, Cooling, Lighting, 3rd Edition; Sustainable Design Methods for Architects, Norbert Lechner
Law for Architects; What you Need to Know, Robert F. Herrmann
Problem Seeking, 4th Edition; An Architectural Programming Primer, William M. Peña & Steven A. Parshall